Eggnog Recipe - Traditional and Delicious Ingredients 8 egg yolks 250 g powdered sugar 375 ml condensed milk 1 packet vanilla sugar 250 ml 54% rum Instructions

Eggnog Recipe - Traditional and Delicious

Eggnog, with its rich flavor and creamy consistency, is a festive delight that many associate with cozy celebrations and special occasions. This traditional beverage is often lovingly prepared at home, with each recipe having its own unique touch. The use of egg yolks, powdered sugar, condensed milk, and a splash of rum gives eggnog its characteristic sweetness and warmth.

Here, we present a simple yet delicious eggnog recipe that is easy to prepare and perfect for enhancing cozy moments or as a thoughtful gift for friends and family. Dive into the world of homemade eggnog and experience the incomparable taste of this festive tradition. Cheers!

Eggnog Recipe - Traditional and Delicious


8 egg yolks 250 g powdered sugar 375 ml condensed milk 1 packet vanilla sugar 250 ml 54% rum Instructions:

Beat egg yolks and vanilla sugar in a bowl until creamy. Slowly stir in powdered sugar, then add the condensed milk. Gradually stir in the rum. The quantity can be adjusted according to taste. Heat the mixture slowly in a double boiler. Place a smaller pot in a larger one and warm the mixture in it. Stir constantly until the mixture thickens. Caution: Do not let it boil! Pour the warm eggnog into sterilized bottles. Be careful not to fill the bottles completely, as the eggnog will thicken further as it cools. Store in the refrigerator after cooling. This traditional eggnog recipe yields approximately 1.2 liters of delicious liqueur. Enjoy it in good company or give it as a homemade gift. Cheers!"

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